oh, btdubz, it is our last week. our LAST week.
now is not the time to suddenly remember that i love it here.* and i don't have enough time left.
ok i'm going to bed, i have campers to love, staffers to write to and pictures to take.
and since everyone loves my funny stories, here's one for the road.
this morning, my alarm went off. i reached for the snooze button, and in my drowsy state, i hit the off switch instead.(ironically, i had set it ten minutes early so i could hit snooze an extra time) this wouldn't have been so tragic if it didn't happen on the one day that erin's alarm fails to go off at all. so corbitt comes in at 7:11 and lets me know that i've slept in. i'm rushing around the cabin getting the girls up, tellin them i've never been the last to flags and we can't be late, and we still end up being the first.
so the girls were picking at me about it all day, but finally, it's bible study time and we're going over the memory verse. one girl asks me "do we have to learn the 113:3-4 part?" and i say "yes, it's good to know where things are!" and she says "like the snooze button on your alarm?" we were all busting out laughing, and then another one says "miss linda you just got BURNED!"
*my wanting to be at school is VERY distracting. it's not that i ever hated camp or anything.
college scholarships...
ReplyDeletei know you hate this one, but this is where the story ends. « ciulinder13...