Wednesday, December 21, 2011


if i didn't work at camp....
-i would make twice as much money.
-i would get to sleep in every day, or at the very least, sleep at night without ever being woken up or having to keep anyone quiet.
-i could have my phone and computer as often as i wanted.
-i would never have to pretend to like collards, grits, or hot dogs.
and i would be miserable.

but who cares about any of that?
because i work at camp...
-i'm doing something worth more than any amount of money.
-i go to bed physically and mentally exhausted, looking, smelling and feeling disgusting, but happier than i ever am anywhere else.
-instead of spending my day sitting on facebook wondering what i'm doing with my life, i spend it knowing i'm doing exactly what God MADE my life for.
-i get flory's peach cobbler and the other 99% of camp food that i wish i could eat every day at school.
-i've met some of the best friends i'll ever have.
-i am someone's elizabeth. someone's britnie. someone's chasity. i'm pouring Jesus into these girls and helping them get excited about missions just like my old heroes did for me.
i'm only 20 and i've already had my dream job for four years.
i am ridiculously, undeservedly, mind blowingly blessed.
thanks God. this is cool. =]

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