Saturday, July 9, 2011

camp conflict 101: how to fix things without making drama!

continued from my last post.
i know that sometimes talking to that one person doesn't work. if that happens, take it to your unit leader. if that doesn't work, then, and only then, should you take it to cindy. always try to keep things on the lowest possible level. and never, ever, during any of this process, do you need to talk to any other staff about it. get as few people involved in the problem as possible.
and just a confession on my part, i SUCK at this. i am a firm believer in letting things go away on their own. but since we can't do that at camp, here's what i know to do and most often don't do, and what we can all work on together. i tried hard to make it funny and lighthearted, as opposed to serious and accusing.

here's how it works.

(i'm using jenna in all of these examples, because i know that everyone knows i love jenna, and therefore will not assume that i'm trying to imply that she has issues in real life)
there are professional issues, and there are personal issues. only professional issues need to be taken to anyone besides yourself and the other person. if personal things get spread around, it creates unnecessary drama.

example A: jenna calls me obnoxious. i'm mad at her.
this is personal. i should go to jenna and tell her, in a nice way, how i feel. if she doesn't apologize, i suck it up and deal with it. this is not a major, ongoing issue and so doesn't need to be taken to anyone else.
example B: jenna is constantly telling me what to do and pointing out anything i do wrong, sometimes in front of my campers.
this is kind of personal, but mostly professional because it's affecting my job(and jenna is not doing her job right). either way, it's definitely one of those bigger issues that needs to be taken care of. first, i would go to jenna and tell her what she's doing. if she doesn't seem like she understands, or won't change, i would go up the ladder and go to my unit leader.
example C: i see jenna punch a camper in the face.
this is the only time that it's ok, and legally encouraged, to go straight to cindy before going to anyone else.
(it's fine that you're laughing. that's what that one was for. =] [not that it can't happen. if it does for real, tell cindy right away] )
example D: i notice that jenna, whether she's meaning to or not, yells at her campers a lot.
this is professional, and this one is tricky. there are probably a few ways of going about fixing this, but i would first mention it to her really lightly, almost jokingly, and see what she says. in most cases, most cabin leaders don't mean to yell and don't realize how they're coming across. so with this approach, i don't come across as really accusing, but at the same time, jenna is made aware that what she's doing is a bit of a problem.
if the issue were to continue, i would probably go to her staffer/cit, not in a gossiping way, but to see if she's noticed the issue, since she works more closely with jenna. if they have, i would tell them to go to jenna more seriously, and tell her exactly what's wrong and how she can try to fix it. and i might let her unit leader know, just so she can be watching and helping her out.
lastly: if you aren't doing it for the right reasons, confrontation can make things worse. so please, if you can't be loving about it, then wait. pray about it first, and fix things with that other person as soon as your heart is right.

if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
romans 12:18

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