Saturday, July 9, 2011

cabin leader voices.

the fun-loud-excited-ten-shades-of-crazy-with-an-undertone-of-responsible-adult one, switching every now and then to the experienced-and-capable-of-keeping-your-child-alive-for-a-week one. both are used during registration time; the first is for the campers, the second is for parents/leaders/etc, although the first is used with them sometimes.

the authoritative-but-fun-and-excited-one. used when it's time to put on shoes and go to *insert activity or meal here*, and most often you'll need it in cabin capers. also comes in handy in Bible study sometimes, but you tweak it a bit. you don't want to make it too serious because Bible study shouldn't be a time they associate with getting told what to do.

the soothing-mother-esque one. use this in the morning when you first wake the girls up(before you've cut the light on; once the lights are on it's time to break out the ABE), for homesickers, or with those that are scared during storms.

the slightly-authoritative-but-calm-and-quiet one. used at bedtime.

the very-serious-but-not-yelling one. a last resort. what you use when you have to give the "i'm very disappointed in you" speech, or when the girls refuse to calm down at bedtime, Bible study, rest time, etc. thankfully with most groups no one has to use it very often.(it feels mean, but the girls never take it that way. i only know because every time i use it, i end up apologizing at the end of the day, and they're always like "but you weren't mean!")

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