Sunday, December 23, 2012

you can sit beside me when the world comes down.

to keep myself from rehashing every other after-reunion post i've written in past years, i'll just link to them here so i won't feel like i need to.
about camp looking dead in the winter but really just being asleep:

about camp people being family:

on the way to camp yesterday, stephanie pointed out that if the world ended today, she'd be totally happy since we'd all be together.
unlike other years, there's not a single person i wouldn't want at the reunion. i love every one of them so much, and i legitly missed every one who had to miss it. as in, i realized without being reminded that each of them wasn't there and had specific reasons why i wished they were there.
and if sitting in cabin 5 laughing with all of them was the last thing i got to do before Jesus came back, i'd be completely content.
i realized last night that i've laughed more with this staff than with any other. i figured it out because when we were all laughing for literally a minute straight, i could listen and pick out every person's distinct laugh, and i could even imagine all the ones who weren't there. i don't think i've never known everyone well enough to do that.
to copy more of stephanie's wise little sayings, being together really is like a glimpse of heaven.
i know that sounds super corny to anyone who's never been to camp. but in heaven, everyone will love each other, no one will fight, and we'll all be happier than we've ever been, right? that is the essence of us.

and i love them a lot.

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